Construction models:
Reconstruction and finishing of Zentiva a.s. administrative buildingThe existing building was built in 1970. The bearing structutre is precast concrete frame. The building have one underground floor and eleven above – ground floor. The reconstruction and enlargement was made, total volume of the building is twice. The enlargement was made by precast skeleton. The complicated strenghtening of bracing, conections of the skeleton, solution of a fire resistence bearing structure and strenghtening of existing foundation was made. příspěvek na 3. konferenci prefabrikace a betonové dílce 2005 (pdf 266kB) Příspěvek na konferenci Beton v PZK II (pdf) | ing. Emanuel Novák, 2004 |
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Hydro power plant Matka Republic of Macedonia enlargement of surge tankThe main objective of this static calculation is to establish safe procedure of surge tank enlarging at Matka’s power house in Skopje. Moreover, calculation has to verify proposed excavation procedures and also designed lining. To make a calculation as closer reality as feasibly possible finite element method was used. Within this case finite element analyses were carried out in plain strain conditions using a package known as PLAXIS version 7.2. The area where the enlarging of surge tank is going to be excavated is seismically active. The earthquake was assumed according to EC8, the lat | ing. Emanuel Novák, 2006 |
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Zentiva foundationsThe existing building was built in 1970. The bearing structutre is precast concrete frame. The building have one underground floor and eleven above – ground floor. The reconstruction and enlargement was made, total volume of the building is twice. The enlargement was made by precast skeleton. The complicated strenghtening of bracing, conections of the skeleton, solution of a fire resistence bearing structure and strenghtening of existing foundation was made. | ing. Emanuel Novák, 2004 |
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Completion of Léciva a.s. administrative buildingThe existing building was built in 1970. The bearing structutre is precast concrete frame. The building haveone underground floor and eleven above – ground floor. The reconstruction and enlargement was made, total volume of the building is twice. The enlargement was made by precast skeleton. The complicated strenghtening of bracing, conections of the skeleton, solution of a fire resistence bearing structure and strenghtening of existing foundation was made. | ing. Emanuel Novák, 2004 |
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Regeneration of panel buildings JemnickáThe existing precast wall building (system T06B) have 1 ug. floor and 8 ab.g floor. The lenght of the house is 36,5m, the high is 24,6 m. The span of the wall (th. 140) mm) is 3,6m. The ceelings panels are th of 120 mm. The strenthening of the new door opennigs was persued. For stenthening was used steel activate frame and carbon belt and sheet. The existing recomondations is suitable for minimalizing of the reconstruction. It is neccecary design with of the openning the same as a openning in the higher flloor. Co - ordination of a possition new opennings, the opennings designed above itself | ing. Emanuel Novák, 2005 |
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Pipeline bridge Siu Saka NelahozevesControlling of the technical state pipe bridge and reduction of the bridge´s load usefulnes. A calculation has been made due to nonlinear theory of 2nd grade, dynamical calculation of it´s mode shapes and frequnces and dynamical effects of the wind. Dynamic coefficient for horizontal deformation (strain) is approximately "1". natural frequency and shapes of the bridge were set inclusive of initial prestress. Results of the statical calculation were compered with calculation thanks to the affinities (relations) for the cable structures, good harmony (correspondence) can be acknowledge | ing. Emanuel Novák, ing. Vladimír Chmelař, 2002 |
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Pipeline bridge HN II at Kralupy nad Vltavou (span 189m)Checking of technical state of the bridge and recalculation (new) of the maximal load usefulness. A calculation has been made due to linear theory of 1st order, non-linear calculation due to theory of 2nd order, dynamical calculation of it´s mode shapes and frequencies and dynamical effect of the wind. Lowest natural frequency and shapes of the bridge are in the area of the step frequency, because of that it is not possible to use the foot bridge as a foot bridge for pedestrians (the food bridge dosn´t have sufficient entering stairways and even isn´t build for useful load of 4 to 5 kN/m2), b | ing. Emanuel Novák, ing. Jan Moták, 2001 |
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Bridge over Ohre river near KosticeThe arched steel pipe bridge was build up for transfer several pipeline spirits and ethylbenzen over the river Ohre. The span of the arch is 60m. The bridge are supported by pair of a sloping struts. The equation of the arch is f(x)=10x2, it is parable. New pipeline was throwed in on the bridge. The diagnostic, static and dynamics analyses and project of repair were made by our firm. | ing. Vladimír Chmelař, 2003 |
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Factory of FUJIKOKIThe calculation of precast roof girder was made by system "IDA NEXIS". We checked the armature by nonlinear calculation - prog. ATENA. The drawing of armature was drawed by system CADKON RCD. | ing. Emanuel Novák, 2003 |
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Static and dynamic calculation of masts produced by the firm REIME JÄRLSOStatic and dynamic calculation has been made. The dynamic effects of wind were determined by (with) a simplified method mentioned in CSN 73 0035 - inset no. 2. A judgement has been made due to CSN 73 0035 and CSN 73 1430 with calculation with compliance to CSN P ENV 1991-2-4 (73 0035) and CSN P ENV 1993-3-1(73 1431). Due to calculation with compliance to CSN P ENV results 25%. higher inner force. This cirmcumstance is made by adjustements of referential speeds of the wind in CSN P ENV 1991-2-4 (73 0035). | ing. Emanuel Novák, 2001 |
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Chimney at VarnsdorfThe statics, dynamics and critical loading analysis of the slender chimney were made. The masonry of the chimney were checked according to ČSN 73 1101 (Design of masonry structures). The presented review studies the effect of subsoil and variyng cross - section on the critical loading of a slender chimney in Varnsdorf.A dynamics factor of a wind is 1,20 - 1,70. The critical lenght is 1,20 lo. The chimney is not satisfactory. | ing. Jan Bláha, 2002 |
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Static and dynamic calculation of masts produced by ERICSSON - Mast Moveable 41mAnchored latticed mast 41 m high is anchored at 3 levels. Foundation is made on prefabricated base (shoe) of 25 kN weight, which is possitioned on the terrain. Static and dynamic calculation has been made. The dynamic effects of wind were determined by a simplified method mentioned in CSN 73 0035 - inset no. 2. During the first calculation the shoes were moduled as stiff support (bearings), because the reactions in the support bearings were in combination with diagonal wind higher then weight of it´s own base shoe, calculated module has been made inclusive of shoes on the flexible subsoil (s | ing. Emanuel Novák, 2000 |
Polypropylene plant - SO 008 - Chemopetrol LitvinovThis building is an industrial construction for production of polypropylen. High of the mast is 63 m, plane size of the mast is 7,5 x 6,0 m. Total plane size is 40x30 m. Total weight is 400 t. The static and dynamic analyses was made by prog. IDA NEXIS. Dynamic impact of wind was calculated according to CSN 73 0035. Impact of earthguake (intensity 6 MKS-64) was calculated according to CSN 73 0036. Deformation of the top of the mast from impact of earthguake is 12 mm, it is 11% deformation of dynamic wind (111 mm). First natural freguency is 0,71 Hz. It is very similar to approximate formula f | ing. Vladimír Chmelař, 2003 |
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Waste water treatment plant in GermanyThe reinforced structure of the Waste water treatment plant was calculated. The high attentions was devote prediction of cracks. The calculation was made according to CSN and DIN law. On the base of the wall have to used two times armature for keeping max. widh of the cracks (w=0,30 mm). We compared number of using armature according CSN and DIN law. The weigh of armature is about 25 % higher according DIN law. | ing. Roman Balík, ing. Emauel Novák, 2000 |
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Residental houseResidental house consist of four houses with nine storeys. The structure are designed as reinforced skeleton with thick slab without beam. The structure was analyzed by systém IDA NEXIS. Three dimension wall-slab model was analyzed. The walls in higher storeys are masonried. The tension in the corner of opening beam was controlled. After origin craks the walls dońt work as a wall beam. The beams belows walls are loaded by higher loading after origin craks in the masonry. Nonrespect this problem in linear static calculation is source of error in static calculations an then defect in a building | kolektiv autorů, r. 2001 |
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Store of soft raw materials, ZZN Strakonice a. s.Calculation of reinforced concrete structure construction of the silo has been done as a space structure construction moulded on flexible subsoil. Flexible subsoil has been chosen by a programme from Soilin -FEM Consulting Brno. | ing. Emanuel Novák, 2000 |
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